- 答:1. 擅长写神没英语作文的请游衡纳拦仔进
Last weekend our teacher had a discussion with us on our ideal jobs in the future. Some students like to be public servants because they can have a stable ine. Others want to be freelances so that they can figure out time freely. However, nearly no students are willing to bee teachers. They think teachers are stressed out and it is difficult to deal with the relationship beeen teachers and students. I also want to be a freelance in order to do whatever I like.。
问:英语翻译 他非常善于写作并且曾经是一位非常有名的作家
- 答:he is very good at writing and he was a well-known writer once.
这里有迹袜春两姿耐个词组 翻译出好卖就行了
善于 be good at 或者 do well in
有名 famous 或者 well -known
- 答:他辩郑擅长画画和写铅灶瞎作,我槐空擅长舞蹈与音乐。
He is good at painting and
writing, and I am good at
dancing and music.